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Dashboards Using Excel

Learn to make Beautiful, Interactive and Insightful Dashboards using Excel

$199 | INR 11,990/- + taxes
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Being able to present your analysis in the form of a Dashboard is one of the most sought after skills you can add to your skill-stack.

BI Dashboards Using Excel 🚀

Your work looks refined and classy when you present your analysis in the form of insightful and beautiful Dashboards.

Gives you an edge to position yourself as a strong employee / candidate for a job or a promotion.

You save time and focus on making decisions using Dashboards rather than wrestling with spreadsheets.

2 Part Course Outline

Part 1 - The Dashboard Toolkit

💡Contains library of tools and techniques that you can use in your own Dashboards.

Complexity  ●●●○○

Module 1: Dashboard Planning and Pre-Work – Learn a structured way to plan your Dashboard even before you start working with Excel

Videos & Downloads:

  Dashboard creation process

  Dashboard Planner – How to Plan a Dashboard (pdf)

  Dashboard Process – Presentation


Module 2: Advanced Excel Techniques – Out of the box Excel tricks and techniques that will help you create automated and dynamic spreadsheets


  Use of Table + Dynamic Ranges

  Dynamic Comments

  Advanced cell naming tricks & Dependent drop-downs

  Publishing Reports Online

  Combining data from multiple sheets

  Collecting data using slicers in Pivot Tables

  Data Models in Excel 2013


Module 3: Visualisation & Charting Library – More than 20 Visualisation & Charting ideas that you can learn and implement in your own Dashboards


  How Form Controls Work (7 Videos)

  Camera Tool in Excel

  DOT/Ratings Chart

  Dynamic Calendar Slicers

  Dynamic Text Boxes

  Funnel Chart

  Heat Maps – Using Conditional Formatting

  Highlight Parts of the Stacked Chart

  Plotting cities on a Map Chart

  Picture V-lookup

  Sparklines & REPT function chart

  Adding Total to Stacked Charts

Benchmark / Threshold Charts

Max and Min Points & highlighting data – using #N/A! error technique

Adding Direct Legends to Line Charts

Target Chart for unique targets

Conditional Formatting in Charts

Infographic Charts 1

Infographic Charts 2


Module 4: Dashboard Formatting & Design Principles – Learn the key principles to make your Dashboards look professional and clean


  How to set up the Dashboard Screen

  Positioning Techniques

. Alignment Techniques

. Cleaning the Clutter

. Principles of Design

. Space Management in Dashboards

Part 2 - Case Studies

💡Contains learning to create Dashboards from scratch.

Complexity  ●●●●○


Case Study 1 : Human Resource Dashboard

Case Study 2 : Sales Performance Dashboard

Case Study 3 : Company Cost Structure Dashboard

Bonus Material + Assignments

💡Access to supplementary material + assignments to help you get hands on practice.

Complexity  ●●○○○

  100 + Excel Shortcuts Pdf

  Formula Library – 50 most important formulas explained + practice spreadsheets

  Assignments – Interim Assignments + 1 Comprehensive Dashboard Assignment

Hi, My name is Chandeep, I’ll be your Instructor. 

I am assuming that you already know me through my blog, but if you are new around here, here are a few things about me.

I stay in Dubai, UAE and used to work as a Financial Analyst for an Investment Bank in Mumbai (India). Back in December 2013 I quit my full time job to start Goodly.

Being an Analyst, I became really good with Excel and I now teach Excel and PowerBI around the world through Online Courses, Blog, YouTube and LIVE Corporate Training Programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any Pre-Requisites for this course?
The course is a step above the beginner / intermediate level. You need to have basic to intermediate level of Excel Skills. To be more specific you should be comfortable to work with
  • Simple Formulas (like IF, Vlookup, Index Match, SumIf, CountIf etc..)
  • Pivot Tables
  • Charts (creating, editing and formatting)
  • Some bit of conditional formatting
If you are not confident about Excel and want to learn Excel in depth along with Dashboards, then I strongly urge you to enroll in my Excel course (Master Excel Step by Step). You can choose the combo option in the pricing plan.
Master Excel Step by Step is a comprehensive course on Excel and covers all important concepts in Excel (Basic to Advanced).
Do I require the knowledge of VBA Coding to understand the course material ?

No you don’t need to know VBA for doing this course. Although some lessons of the course involve VBA but I have made sure that they are simple to understand and quickly replicable in your own Dashboards.

What version of Excel is used?

I have used a mix of Excel 2013 & 2016 in this course. But even if you have older versions of Excel that should not be a problem because most concepts are universal in excel.

Where ever there is anomaly in any feature that is exclusively available in Excel 2013/16, I have pointed it out explicitly.

I’ll See You Inside the Course

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