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Sometimes in Power Query, you’ll come across the need to duplicate rows as a part solution to a larger problem. In this blog post, I’ll share 2 examples of duplicating rows in Power Query.


Duplicate Rows in Power Query – Video


Duplicate Rows – Example 1

Consider the table below. I would like to duplicate this data twice for year 2019 and 2020.

Table Example 1

Let’s start by creating a Custom Column (named year) containing a list. Here is the M Code.

 = {2019,2020}

The new Year Column now shows a list with 2 values 2019 and 2020.

List formed

And on expanding the Year Column, we get entire data duplicated twice, once for each year.

Expanded column Example 1


Duplicate Rows – Example 2

In this particular example, I don’t intent to duplicate rows by a fixed number, rather the duplication will be based on the Freq Column. For eg Customer C will have 3 rows since the Freq value is 3.

Table Example 2

I will create a blank list (by using{“”}) and repeat it by the reference of the Frequency Column. See the following M-Code I used to create a new Custom Column.

 = List.Repeat({''},[Freq])

If I preview the output for Customer C, I can see that although the list is blank but it has 3 rows. And on expanding the custom column, we’ll duplicate rows based on the Frequency column.

Output 2

In the end you should delete the blank Custom Column created. The final output seems like this and Customer C has now 3 rows.

Duplicate Rows in Power Query - Example 2 Output


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