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In this blog, I’ll show how can you display the Sales of Top 'N' products and categorize the rest as “Others”. This is a common need in business reporting, let’s see how can you do this using some DAX & Data Modeling and some visualization tricks.


Display Sales for TOPN & Others – Video


Firstly, let's go ahead and see what our final output looks like.

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI-Output

Before we proceed, let's take a look at the Data Model.

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI- Data Model


This post is going to be a long one, so let me summarize the building blocks of this visual.

  1. We need to display Product Names along with 'Others' on the X-Axis.
  2. We need a Calculation / Measure to group the Sales for Top Products and Others.
  3. A Slicer to select the number of Top Products displayed in the Visual.
  4. Conditional Formatting to color the Top Products and Others.
  5. Sorting of the Visual.
  6. Dynamic Title that displays the % contribution of Top Products.


#1 Display Product Names and 'Others' as a category on the X-Axis

A general rule – Anything that is displayed on the x-axis of a chart needs to be physically present as a column of a table.

In our scenario we need Product Name and 'Others' on the horizontal axis of the chart, that can only be done if we have a column that has product names and 'Others'.

To do this let's create a Pseudo Prod Table:

Pseudo Prod Table =
    DISTINCT ( Products[Product] ),    -- to find unique names of the products 
    DATATABLE (                        -- one row table having value 'Others' 
        'Product', STRING,
        { { 'Others' } }

If you create a Matrix Visual using the Products column of the pseudo table you'll see all products and “Others”.


Let's also create a one to many relationship between pseudo products table and products table.

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI- Relation 

Now that we have displayed Product names along with “Others”, let’s create a calculation that can group the sales of Top Products and the rest as “Others”.


#2 Calculation / Measure to group the Sales for Top Products and Others

Let's start with this simple measure

Top N Sum Sales =
    [Total Sales],
    TOPN (                   -- top 3 products by Sales 
        'Pseudo Prod Table',
        [Total Sales]

With the above measure I'll be able to see the sales of the TOP 3 Products. For instance refer the card visual 

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI- Card

Although this measure won't work if you drag this to the Matrix visual.  Problem – At the product level I see the sales of all the products and not just the top 3 products.

Simple reason, when the sales of each product being compared to itself, it would would obviously rank in the Top 3 products and hence all products are displayed.

To solve this, I can modify my code as follows, so that the only sales of the top 3 products are displayed against their name.

Top N Sum Sales =
    [Total Sales],
    KEEPFILTERS (                                  -- will apply the product filter to show only 3 products
        TOPN (
            ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Prod Table' ),   -- considers all visible products
            [Total Sales]

The results look better!

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI-Sales of Top 3

Next if I subtract Sales of top 3 products from Total Sales of all the products we get value to be displayed in the “Others” category.

Let’s further revise the measure.

Top N Sum Sales =
VAR TopProdTable =
    TOPN (
        ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Prod Table' ),
        [Total Sales]
VAR TopProdSales =
        [Total Sales],
        KEEPFILTERS ( TopProdTable )
VAR OtherSales =
    CALCULATE (                  
        [Total Sales],
        ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Prod Table' )
        - CALCULATE (                        -- subtracting the sales of Top 3 products
            [Total Sales],
VAR CurrentProd =
    SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Pseudo Prod Table'[Product] )
    IF (                                     -- Categorizing as Others and Top Products
        CurrentProd <> 'Others',

Now the Pivot shows the results of TOP 3 Products and Others

Display Top N items and Others in Power BI-Top Sales and Others

The above matrix visual when converted to a clustered column chart visual, it looks like this

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI- Cluster Table

As of now the number 3 to select top 3 products is hardcoded in the measure, to make it dynamic we need a slicer and link the slicer selection to our measure.


#3 Slicer to Select the Top Products

Let's create a New Table Top N Selection

TopN Selection =
  1. Now create a slicer on the value column of this table.
  2. To capture the value selected in the slicer, I will finally revise my measure like this.
Top N Sum Sales =
VAR TopNSelected =                              -- capturing top value selected in the slicer
    SELECTEDVALUE ( 'TopN Selection'[Value] )
VAR TopProdTable =
    TOPN (
        ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Prod Table' ),
        [Total Sales]
VAR TopProdSales =
        [Total Sales],
        KEEPFILTERS ( TopProdTable )
VAR OtherSales =
        [Total Sales],
        ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Prod Table' )
        - CALCULATE (
            [Total Sales],
VAR CurrentProd =
    SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Pseudo Prod Table'[Product] )
    IF (
        CurrentProd <> 'Others',

Here’s how it would look like

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI-Slicing


#4 Conditional Formatting – For Top N and Others

I also want to color Top N products as orange and Others as grey. To do this we create a simple measure.

Color =
    SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Pseudo Prod Table'[Product] ),    -- current product 
    'Others', '#D9D9D9',                               -- if 'Others', then grey (hexcode)
    '#ED7D31'                                          -- else Orange (hexcode) 

To apply this measure, go to >> format pane >> data color >> use the “fx” to select conditional formatting >> finally use format by field option on this measure.

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI- Top N Unordered

Let’s solve the next problem and sort the bars, Top Products should appear first and “Others” in the end.


#5 Ranking and Sorting the Top Products in order of Sales

Consider this measure 

Rank =
IF (
    [Top N SUM]
        <> BLANK (),
    RANKX (
        TOPN (                                         
            SELECTEDVALUE ( 'TopN Selection'[Value] ),
            ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Prod Table' ),
            [Total Sales]
        [Total Sales],       

Now, drag this measure into the Tooltips of the visual and sort it by ascending order of rank.

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI- Sorting and Ranking


#6 Create a Dynamic Title

We now need to make the title dynamic that displays the percentage contribution of Top Products. Let's create this measure.

Title =
VAR TopProd =
    CALCULATE (           
        [Total Sales],
        TOPN (
            SELECTEDVALUE ( 'TopN Selection'[Value] ),
            ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Prod Table'[Product] ),
            [Total Sales]
VAR TopProdPct =
    DIVIDE (
        [Total Sales]
    'Top '
        & SELECTEDVALUE ( 'TopN Selection'[Value] ) & ' Products made '
        & FORMAT (
            '#.#% Sales'

Add this title to a Text box and format it in a large font size. and the final output looks like this.

Filtering Top N items from Others using Power BI-Output

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    More on DAX:

    1. Use Measures in Columns of a Matrix Visual
    2. Switch between Current Period and YTD Calculation
    3. Change Measures Using a Slicer in Power BI
    4. Slab / Tiered Calculations using DAX


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