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Add or remove data labels with a click

When you create a chart with multiple data points, showing data labels for all the values can make the chart quite cluttered and busy. What you can do instead is add or remove data labels of the chart with a click

Let’s see how can we make this work..


Let’s say we have this data!

How to add or remove data labels with a click 1

How to add or remove data labels with a click 2

For simplicity reasons, I am

  • Taking 2 product lines and their 6 month sales and
  • Making a simple column chart with this data


Next we add 2 data validation drop downs!

How to add or remove data labels with a click 4

  • In the cells next to the “Jun” column, I am going to add 2 data validation drop downs with values “ON/OFF”
  • This will allow me to add or remove data labels from the chart


Now link the drop downs to a dummy calculation!

How to add or remove data labels with a click 5

  1. A simple IF Formula logic
    1. If the Drop down cell is “On” then show the Value
    2. Else show a 0 (zero)
  2. Take care of cell referencing while writing the formula


Adding Dummy Calculations to the Chart

Now this is where it gets interesting, the reason why we made dummy calculations is because

  1. The Dummy is linked to the drop down (On/Off)
  2. When the dummy is added to the chart the dummy values can appear or disappear from the chart depending of the On/Off switch


This is how it works. Step 1) Add the Dummy values to the chart

How to add or remove data labels with a click 7

Note few things

  1. The data labels are turned – ON
  2. The 2 products (dummy calculations) are added on the primary axis

See this – If you don’t know how to add values to the chart


Step 2) Place the dummy on the secondary axis

How to add or remove data labels with a click 6

  1. Select the 2 data series (one by one) and use CTRL + 1 to open format data series box
  2. Then switch them to the secondary axis
  3. Note the secondary axis appears (we will hide that later)


Step 3) Add data labels and fill the dummy with “no fill”

How to add or remove data labels with a click 8

  1. Right click on the bar (dummy calculation) and add data labels
  2. Right click again and go the fill tab and choose “no fill”


A bit of formatting left!

  1. The secondary axis should be hidden. Follow the steps
    • Select the secondary axis and press Ctrl + 1 to open the format axis window
    • In the format axis window scroll down to Labels
    • Under Labels choose “None”
    • Note this is will hide the axis and NOT delete it.
  2. The zeros should not appear when you turn the switch off. To do that
    • Select all the values in of the dummy calculations and press Ctrl + 1 to open the format cells box
    • In the Number Tab go to Custom
    • And delete default code (General) and write this instead 0;; (this means don’t show the zeros)
  3. Change the data labels to match the color of the bar (it reads easier that way)
  4. The legends (for dummy calculations need to be removed)
    • Click on the legend and then click again to only select dummy legend
    • Press delete



The file also contains a cool VBA method that you can try it out..

    ⬇️ Pop in your Name & Email to get the file!

    Other Interesting Charting Tricks

    1. How to select small data points in a chart
    2. How to make a dashboard in 15 mins
    3. Use camera tool to make dynamic charts
    4. Threshold chart in Excel
    5. Data Validation as On/Off switch
    6. Timeline Chart in Excel
    7. Performance Rating Chart in Excel


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