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The DAX TOPN function is quite useful to extract the top or bottom rows by a certain criteria. In this post, I'll talk about the nitty gritties of TOPN.


TOPN Function in DAX


DAX TOPN function returns a table with the top N number of rows based on certain criteria. 


TOPN Syntax

= TOPN (
    <n value>,  
    [Order by Expression],

The first two parts of the function, N Value and Table Name are the compulsory inputs.

  1. N Value – Number of rows to be extracted. It needs to be a number.
  2. Table – The table from which the rows are extracted. This table can be a physical table (that exists in the data model) or a virtual table (created on the fly).

The other two parts, are optional. We shall explore them later.


TOPN Function Example 1

I have the following data model where the Sales table is related to the Calendar Table.

TOPN Function in DAX- Data Model


Additionally I also have a Total Sales Measure.

Total Sales = SUM(Sales[Sales])


Since, the TOPN function creates a table, let’s create one by going to Modelling tab >> New Table.  

Consider this use of TOPN to extract the first row of the Sales table.

Top Table =

Committing to this formula, I will get the literal first row of the Sales table. This is because in the TOPN function I didn’t specify criteria of extraction.

TOPN Function in DAX- First Row


But, what if I want to extract the top row based on Total Sales measure. I can now input the third input, i.e., Total Sales, which is an optional criteria.

Top Table =
TOPN (             -- will extract top 1 row from Sales table based on Total Sales
    [Total Sales] 

Since, there were 4 rows (transactions) that tied up for the 1st position, I get 4 rows of output. Sweet!

TOPN Function in DAX- Top Sales


TOPN Function Example 2

I now want to extract the date having the highest sales. The function remains the same but instead of the Sales Table I can input Calendar Table to get the date having the highest sales.

Modify the table code.

Top Table =
TOPN (             -- will extract top 1 row from Calendar table based on Total Sales
    [Total Sales] 

Committing to the formula, I will get the the top date (and other columns) which had the highest Total Sales value.

TOPN Function in DAX- Highest Sales Date


TOPN function with a Virtual table

The second input of TOPN i.e. a table can also be a virtual table (table that doesn’t physically exist in the data model but is created on the fly)


Consider this example (created as a table)

Top Table =
    VALUES ( Sales[Product ID] ),  -- virtual table with unique product IDs
    [Total Sales]

Committing to this formula will return the best selling Product ID

TOPN Function in DAX- Top Product


Using TOPN function in a Measure

Remember that the TOPN Function returns a table and it can’t be directly used in a measure unless you have an aggregator around it.


Consider this Year and Month matrix visual. I want to display the best selling day for each month.

TOPN Function in DAX- Table

I can create the following measure to do so.

Best Selling Day =
CONCATENATEX (                             -- CONCATENATEX, concatenates the Date from TOPN Table.
    TOPN (                                 -- TOPN returns 1 top selling row from Calendar Table
        [Total Sales] 
    FORMAT ( 'Calendar'[Date],'dd-mmm' )   -- some formatting applied to the output

Since, the TOPN function generates a table, an aggregator function, CONCATENATEX needs to be used to concatenate the table values. This measure delivers the best selling date for each month.

TOPN Function in DAX- Output


TOPN Recap and Summary

  1. The TOPN function accepts and returns a table.
  2. The Input table can either be a physical or a virtual table.
  3. Since the TOPN function returns a table, while using it in a measure, it needs to be wrapped in any aggregator function that can display a single value instead of table.


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    Bottom N Analysis in Power BI

    Display Table or Matrix Until the Selected Date

    Fiscal Year Date Table in Power BI

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